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Lyndon at Kier Safety Week

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We were at the superb Kier Safety Week last week at Stafford Park in Telford – showcasing how far the industry has come the the last three decades.
We had a shared stand at the event with CLM Construction (Currell Lewis & Martin), who we’re working with on the Bescot M6 project.
On the stand, we had a display demonstrating the way the scaffold industry has changed since 1989 – including two mannequins; one dressed as a 1989 scaffolder and one as a present-day scaffolder, with full PPE.
And we also had two scaffolds erected – one how a scaffold would have been erected in 1989 and one to present-day safety and technical standards.
Mark Collinson, Lyndon Scaffolding Plc Regional SHEQ Manager said: “All in all, this was an enjoyable week sharing with the delegates just how far our industry has progressed since 1989. There was a good turnout and some good feedback and discussion from the delegates despite the poor weather.”
2017-06-05 14.15.30
2017-06-05 13.30.22